Things for me and maybe other people to think about:
my messages of the day.
See this odd (Dutch?) collection:
Later is allang begonnen
No pain, no gain
De intensieve menshouderij
Safety First
Management By Exception
Weest optimistisch
De charme van de eenvoud
Noblesse oblige: U and non-U
If IT feels nice, don't think twice
Nosce te ipsum (ken jezelf)
The more I know, the less I understand
Swear they moved that sign
Bridges come and bridges go
semper fi (always faithful)
Het enige lot is wat we zelf scheppen
How many times, is time enough?
The devil made me do IT
Oops… I did IT Again!
Who's afraid of Java
If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy!
's maandags word ik samen met het huisvuil buiten gezet
Sometimes IT has to get worse before IT gets better
Barbertje moet hangen (There must be a scapegoat)
Alles wat u
niet zegt kan tegen u gebruikt worden
I'm a high risk factor
That's it for now. To be continued ...