See also about second-life (
A popular weblog (Profkey Neva, 2007) featured a portion of a quote from Anglo-American poet Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) that stated “"Every human being is interested in two kinds of worlds: the Primary, everyday world which he [sic] knows through his [sic] senses, and a Secondary world or worlds which he [sic] not only can create in his [sic] imagination, but which he [sic] cannot stop himself [sic] creating" (Auden in Profkey Neva, 2007, para. 1). This quote appears to represent exciting implications for Second Life in art education as it illustrates both a fundamental goal of our field—the cultivation of inventiveness and imagination, and one of the basic philosophies behind Second Life-—the ability to create our own world(s). A closer look at this quote and its context revealed that Auden wrote this to describe the difference between fiction and fairy tale in an “Afterword” to George MacDonald’s modern fairy tale The Golden Key. The quote continued:
A person incapable of imagining another world than that given him [sic] by his [sic] senses would be sub-human, and a person who identifies his [sic] imaginary world with the world of sensory fact has become insane. Stories about the Primary world may be called Feigned Histories; stories about a Secondary world, myths or fairy tales. A story about the Primary world, that is to say, may be fiction—the characters in it and the events may have been “made up” by the writer—but the story must affect the reader in the same way that an historical narrative does: the reader must be able to say to himself [sic], “Yes, I have met people like that, and that is how, I know from experience, such people talk and act.” …A Secondary world may be full of extraordinary beings…and extraordinary events… but, like the Primary world, it must, if it is to carry conviction, seem to be a world governed by laws, not by pure chance. Its creator, like the inventor of a game, is at liberty to decide what the laws shall be, but, once he [sic] has decided, his [sic] story must obey them.…History, actual or feigned, demands that the reader be at one and the same time inside the story, sharing in the feelings and events narrated, and outside it, checking these against his own experiences. A fairy tale… on the other hand, demands of the reader total surrender; so long as he [sic] is in its world, there must for him [sic] be no other. (Auden, 1967, pp. 81-4).
[sic] in Second Life? Are they kidding?
Finally, there was IBM Developer Relations, who wanted me to know about developerWorks Exchange, their developer community, and IBM CODESTATION, their 3-D area in the virtual world of Second Life.
I couldn't actually get the CODESTATION link to work, but I was able to find IBM CODESTATION by name and teleport there from within Second Life, once I registered and logged in. IBM says that they are "helping developers form social networks to work together more collaboratively and accelerate the software development process."
Are you looking for a new social network for programming? If so, does either of these IBM initiatives appeal to you?
Dit is waar je dan terecht komt (eerst secondlife downloaden natuurlijk en registreren), een teleport:
IBM steekt het komende jaar tien miljoen euro in virtuele werelden. Zo gaat Big Blue onder andere kantoorruimte kopen in het populaire online spel Second Life.
Koop hier L$ zonder credit card! Kies hoeveel linden dollars je wilt kopen en reken voordeling af met iDEAL, Wallie-card of de telefoon. Je hebt dus geen credit card nodig. Deze site is volledig in het Nederlands en als je hulp nodig hebt wordt je in het Nederlands te woord gestaan. Wel zo prettig!
Je hebt al meer dan 3000 linden dollars voor een tientje! Nergens anders koop je zo voordeling linden dollars! Dutch Exchange is een geregisteerd bedrijf bij de kamer van koophandel in Lelystad.
Waar gaat het met de wereld (welke?) heen!
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