
The roadrunner is back as never before! See also: My homepage or my very obsolete site
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Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Acme Corporation


Wile E. Coyote often obtains complex and ludicrous devices (Rube
Goldberg machines) from a mail-order company, the fictitious Acme
Corporation, which he hopes will help him catch the Road Runner.
The devices invariably backfire in improbable and spectacular
ways. The coyote usually ends up burnt to a crisp, squashed flat,
or at the bottom of a ravine. How the coyote acquires these
products without any money is never explained, nor is any
distinction made between equipment defects or operator error.

The sad thing about Wikipedia is that neither the Roadrunner nor Coyote are mentioned as cartoon characters. The real world is far too serious.
However Acme is known by Wikipedia:
And even in the context of the Looney Tunes:
And, wait, yes:
Ergo sum: the search engine of Wikipedia is lousy.
But, what is this:

Roadrunner is the name given to a next-generation supercomputer to be built at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
The Roadrunner will use the Red Hat Linux operating system.

Even IBM knows that the roadrunner can be fast!

Lesson learned, never start a company or product with the name ACME or Coyote.
Acme-Nuage Systems a shelving and material handling equipment supplier in Bangalore, India

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