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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Time is Money

If this were true, can one buy time and how much costs for instance one hour?
That depends.

See these links:
Looks like Fixed Assets Control.
"How much is your time worth?

Have you figured it out? If not, you should. To figure the minimum, figure out how much money you're making per year and divide it by 2,000. To figure the maximum, consider how much you make for your most productive time -- closing a deal, a speaking engagement, billable client time, etc. Somewhere in between there is the real value of your time.

There's a saying which I recall reading somewhere (I thought it was Harvey Mackay, but I haven't been able to track down the quote):

Don't pay someone $25 an hour to do $7 an hour work."

Please DO NOT click on:
Else you'll compromise my toy!

If the rule applies that time is money, so to say T=$, what would Einsteins opinion on this formula be?
Did Einstein suggest that everything is relative?
Or only his theory that was realized end world war II?

See (for instance):

It's comparable with Nobel: people can and will mis-use any idea.

So just be careful with spreading your ideas around!

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